
Who we are? We are a financial education, services, and investment firm. We provide top-notch complimentary financial education (FinEd) and partner with a financial product distribution company via a consortium of A-rated, platinum provider companies to offer customized financial solutions to our clients.


State of the financial industry

The financial industry despite been around since the beginning of civilization is one whose operations and services are understood by a fraction of the people it serves. While the 2021 Global Findex Database shows a significant rise in global account ownership of adults from 51 – 76 percent between 2011 to 2021, which was mostly attributed to increases observed in developing countries, about one-third of the world adult population (1.7 billion) have no access to financial services and many adults lack basic financial knowledge per the 2014 S&P Global Financial Literacy Survey – the largest and most comprehensive study to date. The COVID-19 pandemic and the rapidly growing financial technology (FinTech) industry accelerated the adoption of digital financial products and services worldwide, particularly in emerging and developing economies. According to the 2021 Milken Institute Financial Literacy in the United States report, the global FinTech ecosystem is valued at $5.50 trillion, with the US accounting for $3.82 trillion share of the industry.

While FinTech has contributed to the creation and adoption of new and efficient forms of payment systems, seamless online banking transactions, alternative finance such as investment and wealth management, peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, supply chain finance, mobile real-time day trading and settlements, etc., the problem of sound financial education and literacy amongst the general population persist. Only about 40% of respondents have average financial knowledge according to the 2018 US National Financial Capability Study (NFCS) – a triennial report that gauge financial knowledge and other quality indicators as a measure of financial capability, e.g., attitude, experience, and behavior toward financial planning, using, and managing the right financial products, financial knowledge, and financial decision-making. Traditional financial institutions like the big banks have done very little to reduce mass financial illiteracy, and only the wealthy could afford the services of a financial professional or qualify for private banking and wealth management privileges.


What we do differently

JiE Ventures and its Associates, in partnership with A-rated financial product providers through a financial product distribution platform, strive to close this gap by providing top-notch complimentary financial education and services to everyone – serving one client at a time. We believe at JiE Ventures that everyone deserves to be financially literate – regardless of education and socioeconomic status because financially literate people make better decisions that translate into good budgeting, savings, investing, retirement planning, and ultimately wealth creation and transfer.


Our Strength

Unlike the traditional, big financial institutions or financial assets management and advisory firms that either cater mostly to the wealthy or provide generic financial services that do not serve the low- to middle-income earners very well, we have a unique advantage and are licensed to leverage many A-rated product provider companies to offer targeted and customized financial services to our clients – to people of all income brackets – in addition to our robust financial literacy campaign program.